It has been quite some time since I posted about Cascalheira. At the end of December it will be time to travel to Brazil and make some difference in some people's lives. There have been some wonderful good people helping the funds to grow. One raffle basket has been won, it brought in $58. The second one is on its way to be raffled. Wendy is an angel who has been making this happen (she is in the photo below, holding the next raffle basket). She has also been donating financially in an interesting way. When I have an appointment with her for a blow-out for my hair, she donates that money to Cascalheira. Incredibly good of her.
I want to thank all the people who have donated items to the raffle baskets. Please keep them coming in order to make more baskets.
Kelli made a lovely purse with beautiful fabric and bamboo handles (picture below) and donated it to the raffle. She has been such a great support. Through Kelli's blog others have donated money through paypal. Thank you Kelli and the donors.
Aimee donated a $30 gift card from It is in the upcoming raffle basket. Very generous of you Aimee, thank you.
Your donation in any amount is very needed. It will go a long way in Cascalheira, Brazil. Please consider sending even $1. Some people have done this and it adds up and is very much appreciated.
Please send to:
Jessica Torok Brown
P.O. Box 249
Mill Neck, NY 11765